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The 2   International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems


6-8 June 2024

National Institute of Technology Calicut

In association with

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UK National Heat Transfer Committee


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Time to begin

Technical Collaborator

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Dept. of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engg. Stellenbosch University

Publication Partners

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About the conference...

The first edition of ICFTES (June, 2022) was a massive success with 177 participants from India and abroad. The main objective of ICFTES'24 is to create a platform for the scientific community to share and update the advancements in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, particularly in the areas of thermal science, fluid flow, and energy science. It will act as a single conglomerate of the global research community, teachers, practicing engineers, and research scholars with a platform to share their knowledge. The keynote presentation and invited talks will be delivered by speakers from leading Indian and International universities with extensive expertise in thermo-fluids and energy systems.

Post - Conference Activity

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Centre for Clean Energy and Circular Economy, NIT Calicut jointly conducting SPARC sponsored 5-day workshop on "Advances in micro/nano thermal transport for high-energy-density systems" from June 10 to 14, 2024, under the SPARC project. 


The Speakers



Plenary Speaker


Imperial College, London

Research Interests

Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors and solar combined cooling, Waste-heat recovery and conversion to heating, cooling and/or power with advanced cycles, Thermal energy storage and large-scale electrical energy storage via thermal processes, Nuclear energy thermo-hydraulics and next-generation thermodynamic power systems


Next-generation hybrid PV-X technologies for distributed solar polygeneration.

Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT), USA

Research Interests

Development of advanced diagnostic tools and techniques, Boiling heat transfer, Nanotechnologies for advanced heat transfer performance, Integration of sensors, simulations and machine learning tools for advanced health monitoring of complex systems


Far away, so close: high resolution investigations of boiling heat transfer, from cryogenic fluids to high-pressure water.


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Plenary  Speaker


Plenary Speaker

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IISc, Bangalore

Research Interests

Solar thermal technologies: receivers, storage, power generation
Advanced cooling technologies (adsorption cooling, loop heat pipes, phase change materials), Solidification, Materials processing


Sorption based thermal and gas storage systems.


IIT Bombay, India

Research Interests

Flow in microchannels, Turbulent flows, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Rare field gas flow and Higher order continuum transport equation


Higher order transport equations: Why do we need them?



Plenary Speaker

Amit agarwal iitb.jfif


Keynote Speaker


National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Research Interests
Enhancement of phase-change heat transfer, anti-icing and deicing, and thermal energy transfer and storage using micro/nanostructures


Nanostructures for Enhanced Phase-Change Heat Transfer.

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Research Interests

Unsteady aerodynamics, fluid structure interaction, high angle of attack aerodynamics, fluid mechanics measurement and visualization techniques.


Aerodynamics of two-dimensional flapping wing in a forward flight.

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Keynote Speaker

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Keynote Speaker

Kyushu University, Japan

Research Interests

Sustainable adsorption cooling cycles,
Next generation refrigerants, Carbon neutral energy conversion systems, Characterization of promising adsorbent/adsorbates


Update soon..

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Research Interests

Solar thermal energy
Dispersed two-phase flow, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer & Fluid Mechanics, Stochastic Optimization


Internal convection in elliptical tubes with constant heat flux

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Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speaker

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Professor and Head: Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Research Interests

Transition, Forced convection, Multiphase flows, Flow patterns, Boiling, Solidification, Heat exchangers


Fundamental differences between the development of internal forced convection flow in a circular tube wall subjected to either a uniform heat flux or a uniform wall temperature

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Keynote Speaker

IISC, Bangalore, India

Research Interests

Fluid Mechanics, Biofluid Mechanics, Energy, Interfacial Sciences


Update soon..

IIT Bombay, India

Research Interests

Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Renewable energy and energy storage, Multiphase flow


Update soon...​


Keynote Speaker

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Keynote Speaker

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IIT Madras, India

Research Interests

Fundamental and applied studies on renewable energy technologies - solar energy, energy and environment analyses, fossil & renewable power plant engineering and thermal property characterization of two-phase materials.


Solar Energy Systems for Agricultural Process Heat Applications

IIT Guwahati, India

Research Interests

Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Multiphase Flows, Structured Grid Techniques in Curvilinear Coordinates, Finite Volume Methods and Unstructured Grid Techniques, Natural and Mixed Convection Flows, and Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage


Heat Transfer Analysis of a Fin-tube Heat Exchanger using Shear- thinning Fluid and Winglet Type Vortex Generators


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Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speaker

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Brunel University London, UK

Research Interests

Concentrating solar thermal power systems, Vacuum insulation panels, Building integrated concentrating solar systems, Building retrofit for improved energy efficiency, Polymeric solar collectors.

Tentative Title

Sustainable Energy Technologies to Resolve India’s Conundrum of Decarbonisation and Economic Growth

Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, ISRO

Research Interests

Cryogenic heat transfer, Two phase flows, Electric propulsion, Film cooling, Thermal contact conductance, Atomization and mixing

Will update soon.



Keynote Speaker

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Keynote Speaker

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NIT Tiruchirappalli, India

Research Interests

Heat and Mass Transfer ; Thermal Power Cycles ; Thermal Energy Storage systems;Nano-fluids; Pool boiling heat transfer ; Flow boiling heat transfer ; Surface coating ; Solar thermal energy and desalination of water ; Vacuum Insulation Pannels ; Thermal management of electronics packaging ; Mist cooling in gas turbine blades

Tentative Title

Will update soon...

IIT Tirupati, India

Research Interests

Energy storage including hydrogen and thermal, Porous Medium combustion, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Metal hydride based thermal machines, Sorption heating and cooling systems, Solar Food Drying, Industrial Drying, Methanol-ethanol combustion, Hydrogen generation and purification, Thermal management in batteries, Medical waste incineration


Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Porous Radiant Burners for cooking and industrial applications.




Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speaker

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The university of Tokyo, Japan

Research Interests

Nanomaterials, Composites, Carbon Nanotubes, and Materials Science.

Tentative Title

Advancements in thermal transport technology targeting carbon-neutral society.

IIT Roorkee, India

Research Interests
Multiphase Flow,

Tentative Title

Annular flow boiling instabilities: Interfacial structures and redistribution on varying flow conditions


Keynote Speaker

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Keynote Speaker

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IIT Hyderabad, India

Research Interests
Mineral Processing, CFD, Multiphase Flows, Fluidization, and Particulate Technology


Development and application of 3D GPU DEM codes for spherical and non-spherical particulate systems


IIT Hyderabad, India

Research Interests

Dynamics of droplets and viscosity-stratified flows, microfluidics and hydrodynamic instability in small-scale flows, computational fluid dynamics, stability analysis, and meticulous experimentation.


Microphysics of Raindrops


Keynote Speaker



Keynote Speaker


IIT Tirupati, India

Research Interests

Hydrogen Storage, Thermal Energy Storage, Adsorption Heating and Cooling Systems, CO2 Sequestration, Metal hydride-based energy conversion and storage, Thermochemical energy storage, Second law analysis of energy conversion cycles, CO2 bases adsorption cooling cycles


Metal hydrides for hydrogen storage and energy conversion applications.

Associate Director, Samsung R&D 

Bangalore, India

Research Interests

Li ion batteries: SOH and RUL of batteries. Chemical Process Engineering performing reaction kinetics modeling, design and enhancement of reactor performance. Parameter estimation.

Tentative Title

Li ion batteries in electronic devices: Charging & Battery health estimation challenges and developments

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Keynote Speaker


Invited Speaker

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IIT Delhi, India

Research Interests

Mechanical Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Engineering Flows, Heat Transfer Enhancement and Renewable energy.


Tackling Turbulence in Savonius Wind Turbines using CFD and Effects of Axisymmetric-Omnidirectional Deflector on Modified Bach Savonius Rotor.

BITS Pilani, India

Research Interests

Experimental Heat Transfer, Transitional Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Transport Phenomenon, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration, Turbulence Modelling, Solar Energy, Micro-channel heat transfer, Electronics Cooling, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian nano-fluid heat transfer


Experimental Study of Heat and Fluid Flow in Transition Flow Regime


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Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

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IIT Dharwad, India

Research Interests

Multiphase Flow, Drops, Bubbles, Rheology, Thermal Safety


Coalescence of droplets and bubbles

NIT Calicut, India

Research Interests

Nano fluidics, Computational Nanotechnology, Statistical Mechanics, Deep Learning.


Exploring the mechanical and thermal properties of 2D materials containing defects via molecular simulations.


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Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

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NIT Calicut, India

Research Interests

Electrochemical Systems of Energy Conversion and Storage, Transport in porous media, Phase field multiphase simulations


Pore-Scale Simulation of Shear Thinning Fluid
Flow Using Lattice Boltzmann Method

NIT Calicut, India

Research Interests

Micro Manufacturing, Precision Machining, Machining of Composites, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, CAD/CAM, Additive Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation, Non-Traditional Machining,


Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Single and Multi-Sparks in Micro Electric Discharge Machining with Temperature Depended Material Properties of Ti-6Al-4V

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Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

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Jadavpur University, India

Research Interests

Convective heat transport: Buoyancy driven convection, Heat transfer augmentation, Electro-Thermo convection, Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), Thermomagnetic convection, Single and Multiphase flow, Nanofluids/Hybrid nanofluid flow, Microchannel flow, Thermo-fluid behavior in biomedical applications.


Multifaceted Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Synergistic Integration
of Phase Change Materials, Nanoparticles, and Fin Structures

NIT Durgapur, India

Research Interests

Fluid flow, Heat transfer, Microchannel, Forced convection, Natural convection, Multiphase flow


​Heat transfer and fluid flow in microchannel.


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Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

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NIT Trichy, India

Research Interests

Internal combustion engines, Low-temperature combustion, Low carbon fuels, High efficiency combustion concepts, Pre-chamber ignition system, Gasoline compression ignition, characterization of spray and flame.


Effect of Pre-chamber Nozzle Hole Diameter on the Combustion and Flame Characteristics for Different Hydrogen-Based Fuels.

NIT Meghalaya, India

Research Interests

​Lattice Boltzmann Method, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Immersed Boundary Method, CFD Solver Development


Unlocking the potential of Partially-Saturated-Cells approach for complex thermo-fluid particle interactions.​

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Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

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ISM Dhanbad, India

Research Interests

​Drop Evaporation, Shedding, Drop Impact On Various Surfaces, Drop - Acoustics Interactions, Flow Diagnostics


A drop's evaporation under the influence of acoustics: How does the internal circulation behave?

NIT Patna, India

Research Interests

Multi-phase Heat Transfer, Boiling, Interfacial Science, Bubbles, Droplets, Microgravity Science.


Coalescence-induced passive bubble departure during boiling in shear flow in microgravity



Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker


BITS Pilani, India

Research Interests

Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Two-Phase Flows with Phase Change, Magnetohydrodynamics, Electrohydrodynamics



Multiphase, Multiphysics Flow Simulations with Open Source Software.

NIT Meghalaya, India

Research Interests

Solar Thermal Heating/Cooling, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems, Renewable Energy, Heat and Mass Exchangers.


A solar-driven thermally activated collector for air and water heating.

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Invited Speaker


Invited Speaker

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NIT Calicut, India

Research Interests

Mechanical and heat operated refrigeration systems, Compressed gas energy storage, Solar thermal energy, Thermal management using phase change materials


Sustainable power generation through solar photovoltaic system using compressed gas energy storage in India

Important dates
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Important Dates

The Venue

The Venue

National Institute of Technology, Calicut, 
Kerala, India - 673601

National Institute of Technology Calicut, formerly Regional Engineering College Calicut, is a public technical university and an institute of national importance governed by the NIT Act passed by the Parliament of India.




Conference Themes

Conference Themes

Topics for ICFTE'22 include three different themes, but are not limited, to the following:


Thermal Science



  • Modes of heat transfer

  • Phase change heat transfer

  • Mass Transfer

  • Micro and nanoscale heat transfer

  • Porous media

  • Solidification

  • Thermodynamic Process

  • Wetting and Capillarity


  • Machine Learning / AI Techniques

  • Single Phase/Two-Phase/Multiphase Flows

  • Inverse Problems

  • Turbulent heat transfer

  • Biological heat transfer

Application of Thermal Science

  • Battery Thermal Management

  • Cooling Techniques Nanotechnology

  • Refrigeration and Cryogenics

  • Advanced Energy Systems

  • Advanced Environmental Systems

  • Aerospace and Automotive Technology

  • Material Processing

  • Fire Technology and safety

  • Heat exchangers

  • Microelectromechanical systems

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Fluid Flow


  • Flow measurements using PIV, PDA/PDPA, LDV, HWA, Holography etc

  • Flow visualization and Image Processing

  • Microfluidics

  • Vortex dynamics

  • Boundary-layer flows

  • Separated flows

  • Pulsating flows

  • Supersonic, hypersonic flows


  • Studies using FDM, FVM, FEM, LBM, IBM techniques etc.

  • Studies using Mesh-free approaches (DEM, SPH etc.)

  • Turbulence and Multiphase modelling

  • Instability, Transition and Turbulence

  • Fluid-structure Interaction

  • AI/ML​


  • Biological flows

  • MHD and EHD flows

  • Granular flows

  • Mineral processing

  • Nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics

  • Fluidized bed technology

  • Aerodynamics

  • Turbomachinery

  • Propulsion and Power

  • Sensors development


Energy Science



  • Hydrogen Production and Storage

  • CO2 Capture and Sequestration

  • Fuel Cells

  • Energy Materials

  • Phase Change Materials

  • Energy Storage and Transformation Energy Efficiency

  • Heat Recovery

  • Polygeneration


  • CFD modelling of Energy Systems

  • FEM analysis of Hydrogen Tanks

  • Mathematical Modelling

  • Energy Audit/Modelling


  • Hydrogen Transport and Utilisation

  • Energy Harvesting

  • Sorption Systems

  • Solar Energy Technologies

  • Renewable Energy Conversion Systems

  • Green Buildings

  • Modern Innovations in HVAC Systems

  • Heat Pipes

  • Bio-Fuels


ICFTES'24 invites faculty, researchers, industrial participants and students to submit their original research work in Fluid, Thermal and Energy systems. The paper should be restricted to 6 pages (minimum 4 pages) with an abstract of maximum 250 words and 5 keywords. Authors are requested to limit the similarity index to 20%. The received manuscripts will be reviewed by a technical committee. The revised papers accepted in time will be provided as an electronic copy during the conference. Efforts are being made to publish the papers as Scopus indexed book proceedings. The technical committee recommended papers only will be allowed to submit full-length articles for special issues in reputed journals (SCI/SCIE/ESCI/Scopus/Web of Science) as per the journal policy. At least one of the authors must register per full-length paper.

The ICFTES'24 Paper Template and Submission links...

Paper Template

ICFTES'24 Publication Partners

Like the ICFTES22 conference, the organizing committee is already secured high-quality publishing partners within each of the conference's sub-themes. The details of journals are given below.

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Selected papers with related theme will be published after peer review in Thermal Science and Engineering Progress (TSEP) 
Elsevier Journal (Indexing - SCI, Q1, Impact Factor - 4.8, Online ISSN:24519049)

Selected papers with related theme will be published after peer review in Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (JTAC)

Springer Journal (Indexing - SCI, Q1, Impact Factor - 4.4, Online ISSN:15882926, 13886150)


Selected papers with related theme will be published after peer review in Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer (JTHT)

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA) Journal (Indexing - SCIE, Q2, Impact Factor - 2.07, Online ISSN:15336808, 08878722)

Selected papers with related theme will be published after peer review in Multiphase Science and Technology (MST)

Begell House Inc. Journal (Indexing - SCIE, Q4, Impact Factor - 0.188, Online ISSN:02761459)

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The remaining papers will be included in the Conference proceedings which will be published in Lecture Notes of Mechanical Engineering - Q4, Springer Nature (Scopus Indexed)

Selected papers with related theme will be published after peer review in Heat Transfer Engineering journal, Taylor and Francis Online - Impact Factor - 2.3, Q2.

Anchor 1


Stay ahead of the technology..


The Second International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems


6-8 June 2024


National Institute of Technology, Calicut - 673601

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Thanks for submitting!

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© ICFTES - NIT Calicut

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